Products - Art Division

Buddha Statues

Buddha Statues
Placing a Buddha statue will bring positive energy in your home.
Our museum quality Buddha statues are made in Takaoka, which occupies about 95% amount of copperware production in Japan. The industry has progressed together with Takaoka since the city began in 1611. There are small and big workshops everywhere in the city that keep the techniques and tradition going on.
Developing the city’s strength, NAGAE Ltd. manufactures many kinds and sizes of metallic Buddha statues and becomes one of the world’s largest manufacturers of metallic Buddha figurines. Our Buddhas are carried at museum shops and high-end retailers around the world.If you would like to find your local shops that carry our Buddha statues, contactus.
We make Buddha statues of several metallic materials such as steriling silver, bronze and copper. Whilst most Buddha statues are made of bronze or copper, our "antique-looking finishing" Buddhas are made of zinc-based alloy, which is more afforable. Whichever material it is made of, the quality of our statues does not change at all. When you get closer to, you would be amazed how intricate detail our Buddha statues have.
Colour – "Antique-looking finishing"
"Antique-looking finishing" Buddha statues give a modern and sophisticated twist by using chemicals to oxidize or corrode the surface of Buddha statues. With deliberately aged appearance, our eye-catching rustic Buddhas add character to your space.
We offer three antique colours; Bronze Matte, Bronze Gloss, and Antique Gold. They are made using a traditional colouring techinique that has been passed down from generation to generation for almost 400 years in Takaoka.
BZ-001 Senju 15cm - four different colours
From left, Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC) and Gold Leaf (AGH)
Colour Name
Colour Code
Bronze Matte
KBS Antique bluish bronze colour (green)
Matte finishing
Antique Gold
KBK Antique brazen colour
Bronze Gloss
KBC Antique reddish bronze colour (brown)
Gloss finishing
Gold Leaf AGH Gold leaf coating
NB: Being coloured by hand, every Buddha statues slightly vary on finishing.
(Refer to catalogue)

Japanese Style Metal Buddha Statues

Buddhism is thought to have come to Japan from China through Korea in the mid-sixth century. Since then, Buddhist art had developed and influenced on Japanese art.
There are many Buddha statues are made in India, Nepal, and Tibet. They are distinctly different from Japanese ones, especially facial features. Our Buddha statues are made in Japan.
Their face is rounder and facial expression is more feminine than Buddha statues you often see in South-east Asia or Tibet.

Click a photo in detail.

Shaka 22.5cm
Amida 23.5cm
Sitting Yakushi
Sitting Shaka
Shaka 22.5cm
  • syaka - コピー
  • syaka
  • DSC_0007

Shaka 22.5cm

In Japan, the historical Buddha is called Shaka Nyorai. It is typically portrayed wearing simple clothing, without accessories, jewelries, or weapons.

Size: W9.5 x D6.5 x H22.5 cm
Weight: 800g
Colour: Bronze Matte, Antique Gold, Bronze Gloss
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan



Amida 23.5cm
  • amida - コピー
  • DSC_0023

Amida 23.5cm

Amida is one of the loftiest saviour figures in Japanese Buddhism. It appears with great frequency in Japanese religious painting and statuary.

This Buddha is also called “Blessing Buddha” or "Protection Buddha". The raised right hand symbolically represent a shield or fearlessness and lower left hand means compassion. This statue signifies courage and offers protection from fear, delusion and anger.

Size: W9.5 x D6.5 x H23.5 cm
Weight: 800g
Colour: Bronze Matte, Antique Gold, Bronze Gloss
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan



Sitting Yakushi
  • _TP14065
  • BZ-116-KBK-Sitting-Yakushi
  • BZ-116-KBC Sitting Yakushi 2

Sitting Yakushi

Yakushi, Bhaisajyaguru, is referred to as the ‘Medicine Buddha’. It is described as a doctor who cures suffering using the medicine of its teachings. It is often shown holding a small medicine jar.

In Japan, there are some yakushi statues called “nade yakushi”. People rub a part of the statue, then rub the same part of their body, praying for Yakushi to heal their ailments.


Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Sitting Yakushi 18cm   butsuzou-019   W7.5×D6.5×H18.0   660



Sitting Shaka
  • BZ-124-KBK Sitting Buddha
  • BZ-124-KBK-Sitting-Buddha

Sitting Shaka

In Japan, the historical Buddha is called Shaka Nyorai. It is typically portrayed wearing simple clothing, without accessories, jewelries, or weapons.

This Buddha is also called “Meditation Buddha”. It places both hands in the lap with palms turned upward and thumbs touching to form a circle. It symbolizes the Buddha in a state of meditation. This pose was extremely popular in Asia, and examples abound throughout the region. Many of the large Buddha Statues in Japan, such as the Great Kamakura Buddha Statue, the Takaoka Big Buddha, are in the Meditation Pose.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan



    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Sitting Shaka 18cm   butsuzou-020   W7.5×D6.5×H18.0   690






  • _TP14022
  • BZ-043-KBK-Kannon
  • BZ-051-KBK Kannon 2



As one of Japan’s most beloved deities, Kannon is often called God or Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. It commonly holds a lotus bud or water vase, and wears a crown that contains a small image of Amida Buddha. It is said to appear in thirty three forms to save people. In modern Japan, its 33 forms are the basis for hundreds of Kannon Pilgrimage Circuits.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Kannon 36cm   butsuzou-017   W12.5×D12.5×H36.0   2,930
Kannon 16cm   butsuzou-018   W5.5×D5.5×H16.0   480




Birth Year Lucky Buddha series
- Personal Guardian based on your birth year

This series, based on the Chinese Zodiac calendar, consists of eight Buddha statues. According to Japanese Buddhist culture, each Buddha is connected with a specific Zodiac animal (12 animals) and serves as your protector (guardian). Which Buddha is yours? Please see the below chart in detail.
We offer two sizes (15cm and 7cm) and three colours. You are sure to find the right Buddha.

Click a photo in detail.



  • BZ-008-KBK Amida 15
  • _TP11397
  • _TP14235
  • BZ-008-KBC Amida 15cm
  • BZ-018-KBK mini amida


Amida (阿弥陀如来): Protector of the Dog and Boar (pig)
Amida is one of the loftiest saviour figures in Japanese Buddhism. It appears with great frequency in Japanese religious painting and statuary.

This Buddha is also called “Blessing Buddha” or "Protection Buddha". The raised right hand symbolically represent a shield or fearlessness and lower left hand means compassion. This statue signifies courage and offers protection from fear, delusion and anger.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Amida 15cm   butsuzou-008   W5.5×D4.5×H15.0   380
Amida 7cm   butsuzou-016   W3.0×D2.1×H7.8   55




  • BZ-007-KBK Fudo 15
  • BZ-017-KBK mini Fudo


Fudo (不動明王): Protector of the Rooster
It appears ferocious and menacing to frighten away evil spirits, as well as to destroy ugly passions and ignorance.  It is also worshipped as a deity who can bring monetary fortune.

It usually holds a devil-subduing sword in its right hand (representing wisdom cutting through ignorance) and a length of rope in its left hand (to catch and bind up demons). 




Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Fudo 15cm   butsuzou-007   W6.0×D3.5×H15.5   420
Fudo 7cm   butsuzou-015   W3.2×D2.1×H7.8   72





  • BZ-006-KBK Dainichi 15


Dainichi (大日如来): Protector of the Sheep and Monkey
Its name means 'Spreader of Light in All Directions'. In Japanese Buddhism, Dainichi is at the centre of the universe, considered to be the root of all phenomena.

It is often portrayed with a characteristic hand gesture called the Mudra of Six Elements, in which the index finger of the left hand is clasped by the five fingers of the right. This mudra symbolizes the unity of the five worldly elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) with a six element, spiritual consciousness.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Dainichi 15cm   butsuzou-006   W8.0×D6.5×H15.5   660
Dainichi 7cm   butsuzou-014   W3.3×D2.6×H7.8   87







  • BZ-005-KBK Seishi 15
  • _TP11392
  • _TP14191
  • _TP14189
  • BZ-015-KBC mini seishi


Seishi (勢至菩薩): Protector of the Horse

Seishi literally means "arrival of the great strength". It illuminates all creation with the light of wisdom, and gives supreme strength to all creatures. Its crown often shows a small water vase, which symbolizes wisdom.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Seishi 15cm   butsuzou-005   W6.5×D6.5×H15.0   570
Seichi 7cm   butsuzou-013   W2.6×D2.6×H7.8   76









  • BZ-004-KBK Fugen 15
  • BZ-014-KBK mini Fugen


Fugen (普賢菩薩): Protector of the Dragon and Snake
It is known as the 'Great Conduct' Bodhisattva.

It is often depicted holding a lotus flower and riding an elephant, symbolising the great power of Buddhist practice in overcoming all obstacles. It helps with obtaining lives of eternal happiness through the virtues of intellect and compassion.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm)   Weight (g)
Fugen 15cm   butsuzou-004   7.3×6.0×15   900
Fugen 7cm   butsuzou-012   3.3×2.0×7.4   99






  • BZ-003-KBK Monjyu 15
  • BZ-013-KBK mini Monju
  • BZ-013-KBK mini Monju 2

Monju (文殊菩薩): Protector of the Rabbit
Monju, Manjusri, symbolizes wisdom and the enlightened mind. He is depicted holding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. He is also depicted as sitting on a lion. This represents the use of wisdom to tame the mind.

Together with Shaka Nyorai and Fugen, Monju forms the Shakyamuni trinity in Buddhism. It is associated with wisdom, whereas its fellow Fugen is associated with action.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm) Weight (g)
Monju 15cm   butsuzou-003   W7.5 x D6.0 x H15. 0 900
Monju 7cm   butsuzou-011   W3.4 x D2.2 x H7.2 93




  • BZ-002-KBK Kokuzo 15
  • BZ-012-KBK mini Kokuzo


Kokuzo (虚空蔵菩薩): Protector of the Ox and Tiger


It symbolizes the boundless Buddha wisdom and mercy that permeate the universe. It is often translated in English as Space Repository or Sky Repository, for its wisdom and compassion are said to be as boundless as the sky.

It frequently holds the wish-granting jewel.

In Japan, believers pray to Kokuzo to grant them wisdom on their quest toward enlightenment, and to improve their memory, technical skills, and artistic talents.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm) Weight (g)
Kokuzo 15cm   butsuzou-002   W65×D65×H150 580
Kokuzo 7cm   butsuzou-010   W26×D26×H78 72





  • BZ-001-KBK Senjyu 15
  • BZ-001-KBS Senjyu 15
  • BZ-001-AGH Senjyu 15
  • BZ-001-KBC Senjyu 15
  • BZ-011-KBK mini Senjyu 2
  • BZ-011-KBK mini Senjyu


Senju (千手観音): Protector of the Rat

Its name means "Thousand-Armed Kannon". It has a thousand arms, holding its own special representative attribute. The compassionate Kannon has used 1,000 eyes to witness suffering and 1,000 hands to relieve it. Kannon is believed to embrace and alleviate the suffering of the world.



Colour: Bronze Matte (KBS), Antique Gold (KBK), Bronze Gloss (KBC)
Material: Zinc alloy
Made in Takaoka-shi, Japan


    Item #   Size (cm) Weight (g)
Senju 15cm   butsuzou-001   W7.5 x D6.5 x H15.5 740
Senju 7cm   butsuzou-009   W3.2 x D2.0 x H7.0 85







The Chart of Birth Year Lucky Buddha

--Find Your Buddha Based on Your Birth Year

Eight Buddhist Protectors of the Chinese zodiac

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